Shock absorbers are pump-like devices which keep your vehicle tyres in contact with the road surface by controlling the rebound of its suspension springs. As long as your vehicle's tyres remain in contact with the road, steering, road handling and braking response will be optimal, helping to keep you safe.
The shock assembly consists of following major components:
U - support
Self Locking Nut
Hexagonal Bolt
Castle Nut
The above figure is 3-Dimensional explode state of shock assembly. Assemble the bushing with the u-support and then repeat the bushing in the assembly. Assemble the pivot with the bushing. Suppress the two bushings and the pivot. Assemble the bracket with the assembly. Assemble the washer, hexagonal bolt, castle nut, and self locking nut in the assembly.
Based on the above figure the shock assembly will going to design in PTC CREO 7.0. The parts will design using creo part modelling, assembly will be done using creo assembly & drafting will be done using creo drawing.